Our staff from Rose Rehabilitation Cambodia excited to be invited along to speak to the children for Careers Day. The children listened with all ears as Rith he spoke about his role as an administration and finance manager at Rose Rehabilitation, provoking questions from many of the kids. He outlined the path he took to get to where he is today, and the hardwork and study he has done, and continues to do. Quite a few hands were raised and smiles shone when he asked who was good at mathematics!

Sokny and Hoe then talked to the kids about physiotherapy, stimulating the minds of everyone. There were a small number of children who had heard of physiotherapy before, but mostly, no one knew what it was. Some brilliant questions were asked, including what should be done if someone sees a moto accident and someone has broken their leg? The kids were really interested in First Aid and would really like to know what to do in these type of accident situation, which happen so often.

The kids did an amazing job at listening, and giving their undivided attention to the speakers. They earned themselves a well-deserved break where they could bust out into the yard and play football - which, might I add, they are very talented at!

Sokny, Hoe and Rith really enjoyed the experience of talking to the children about their respective careers and were really happy to be able to participate in broadening the kids' knowledge on what they can do when they finish school. They actually commented that they would have really liked something like this when they were at school, and that often people did certain courses simply because the opportunity happened to be there, not because they actually wanted to do it. This itself impacts society in Cambodia hugely, as there are commonly people doing jobs they have no desire or passion for, and as a result the job is not done well. By educating the children about options, and encouraging them to think about what they like doing and want to do, they have a much greater chance at living a fulfilling, productive life. They can reach for the stars!


* Sokny, Hoe and Rith, very happy after their presentations
* The team from Rose Rehabilitation picture with ANDC staff, Annette and Lisa.
Friday was also the last day for Jillian Thomsen (far right), a volunteer we have had with us at Rose Rehabiliation for 9 weeks. We thank her very much for all her efforts and time she dedicated to Rose Rehabilitation. We enjoyed having her in the office and on the road with us, and will miss having her around. We hope she goes home with some wonderful memories of her time in Cambodia with us. Thank you Jill, safe travels home.