Tuesday 14th September saw the team head across to Prey Veng to meet with Veterans International staff. VI have significant experience in the area of healthcare and rehabilitation for people with disabilities, and are keen to develop a relationship with Rose Rehabilitation. In particular, Manager of Prey Veng VI Mr Ull Meng Hour has expressed interest in joining with Rose Rehab to assist with funding and support for a separate independent project he has insitgated. Mr Hour is an incredibly amazing, interesting man. An amputee himself, he speaks opening about the discrimination he has endured in Cambodia, and how he has overcome this to be now be working in a stable, productive job and living fulfilling life. Astutely aware of discrimination and crushed self-confidence of those with disabilities, it is Mr Hour's intent to see that all people with disabilities, particularly the most vulnerable - women, receive education, vocational training, and a fair go to prove they are capable and worthwhile.
Mr Hour sustained his landmine injury in 1984 when working with the Cambodian military on the Thai border, rescuing refugees from the border camps. Mr Hour continued to battle discrimination for years, but persisted with proving his capabilities and contribution to society. Eventually, he managed to get a job with VI, and from there has progressed to where he is today - Manager at Prey Veng.
Mr Hour does amazing things for the Prey Veng and Svay Rieng communities. He has an independent project that supports women with disabilities to live together in Prey Veng and receive education and vocational training. Mr Hour's dream is to see the project expand so that it becomes a women's federation, where the women with disabilities support other women with disabilities in obtaining education and work. It is with this part of the project that Rose Rehab have linked in and have applied for grants to support this project. We very much look forward to this relationship developing and seeing this extremely worthwhile project get off the ground. Mr Hour continues to stress that it is not him who is to run this ultimately, but the women themselves. He is not after recognition. A most noble man who plain and simply wants to help others.
The women are pictured below with Mr Hour and staff members of Rose Rehabilitation, and then Mr Hour with Rose Rehab staff.

Each one of these women has a disability, and each woman studies either at high school or university. Without this work that Mr Hour has done, these women would be with no opportunity to develop independence or gain an education. One woman came from begging on the streets of Phnom Penh, and is now studying at university and really enjoying it.
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